Ecstatic Dance DJ Training Online
September 25 - Oct 4, 2020

Master the art of facilitating transformative journeys
of movement and dance

Ecstatic Dance is much more than pressing play on your favourite track. To lead a group through a deep and transformative journey, guiding them to the highest peaks and through the deepest shadows, takes immense understanding and skill.

These journeys become a map of self-discovery, through the terrain of the body; into the heart, beyond the mind and into another dimension of existence. This dimension we call the unified field, where magic becomes reality.

Combining clear and detailed instructional videos, with daily LIVE group workshops and Q&A calls, this online training is designed to ensure the best possible learning experience, direct to your home temple.

Delivered in 7 modules over 10 powerful days, with 3 free days to integrate teachings and complete empowerment projects.

Why Ecstatic Dance?

Ecstatic Dance is serving to awaken and unite the tribe, world-wide. Once a fringe subculture, our ED community has grown into a global movement that grooves, uniting and healing, inspiring and revealing the power of free-form dance as a journey toward wholeness, empowerment, and ecstasy.

Why Raio and Sophie Sôfrēē?

Raio and Sophie Sôfrēē have been facilitating Ecstatic Dance journeys all around the world for a combined 10 years, and are lead facilitators for the Yoga Barn Ecstatic Dance in Ubud, Bali. 

To give you the benefit of these years of practice and learnings, they are distilling all their collective wisdom into this 10 day online Ecstatic Dance DJ Training. 

Their vision is to empower you with all the tools you need to step forth into serving your community as an Ecstatic Dance DJ.

I'm Ready To Join!

What are my options for exchange?

What Will I Get..

When I join the Ecstatic Dance DJ Training Online?

  • Online and Interactive Learning

    With professional video tutorials focused on ecstatic dance DJ’ing packaged into 7 detailed modules, you'll have all the technical understanding you need to rock any dance floor, every time.

    You'll also have plenty of direct contact with Raio & Sophie Sôfrēē, with 7 daily Facilitation Workshops via Zoom, along with daily Q&A sessions where we explore the video content. All of which will be recorded!

  • Hands On Practice Time

    To help you really dial in everything that you learn, you'll have the opportunity to complete fun daily empowerment projects. From the moment you dive into the pre-req’s prior to the course and all the way through, you’ll be learning by mixing!

    These sequenced lessons and projects lead toward the final assignment on Day 7 of the program: creating your first full length ecstatic dance mix! And you'll have two days off to work on it before coming back together on Day 10 for our graduation celebration.
  • Special Bonuses

    We will be sharing 50 of our favourite ecstatic dance tracks with you, to add to your collection or help you get started. Tunes to bring the energy to a bass-pumping boil, help it simmer to sweet stillness, and everything in between.

    As a token of our appreciation, we're also offering everyone in the program 2x free tickets to our weekly Online Ecstatic Dance, so you can get down, and see how we do it!

    Finally, we extend access to all the video lessons and group calls for 90 days from the start of the training, allowing you to deepen, refresh, and integrate on your own as you take steps on your new path of joyful service!

"The Wakamaia training was exceptional"

by Rikke Brodin

"The Wakamaia training was exceptional. I signed up to this training because this practice has been so radically transformational in unlocking me, and I felt the calling to facilitate this opening for others. Sophie and Raio poured so much love and care into every part of the course that could be felt through the online world of tutorial videos and zoom calls. I am in awe of the container they created that felt so held, so intimate, so free and so empowering. The tutorials themselves are so clear and brilliant, I went into this training not knowing absolutely anything about DJ software, consoles, mixing, finding and organizing music, I didn’t know anything at all, thinking I have no brain for technology, and by the end I could mix a 3 hour set with confidence and joy. It was incredible, transformational and empowering. I really couldn’t recommend this course enough. The clarity, the skill, the knowledge, the love and the joy is beyond what I had imagined. Plus the sweetness of the community and the wonderful trainees that Wakamaia attracts. I wish I could do it all over again."

Is It For ME?

Who the Ecstatic Dance DJ Training Online is made for

  • Facilitators who want to learn how to DJ

    If you're already experienced in holding small or large groups through transformational experiences, and you want to add beautiful sonic journeys.

  • DJ's who want to learn how to facilitate

    If you know your way around the decks and have a desire to be able to hold deeply transformative journeys of movement and dance for your community.

  • Complete DJ & Ecstatic Dance beginners

    If you've never touched Traktor before, but you love Ecstatic Dance, it's changed your life forever, and you want to learn from the pro's how to do it for yourself.

  • Ecstatic Dance DJ's who are still starting out

    If you're just beginning your journey as an Ecstatic Dance DJ, and feel like you'd benefit from the wisdom and experience of people who've been rocking this for years.

I'm Ready To Join!

What are my options for exchange?

Your Facilitators

Raio and Sophie Sôfrēē

Wakamaia Pa Raio (Rob Weber)

As a musician, DJ, and event producer, Raio has been uplifting the tribe in Bali for a dozen years. An eco- community steward and co-founder of the BaliSpirit Festival, Raio has played a key role in the evolution of the conscious scene on the island. He’s a resident DJ for the legendary ecstatic dances at the Yoga Barn in Ubud, where he also leads sacred ceremonies, kirtans, and sound healing journeys. He also produces music for himself and others in a mystic jungle studio.

Wakamaia Ma Sophie Sôfrēē

Sophie Sôfrēē is an ecstatic dance DJ, Kundalini Yoga teacher and visual artist. She embodies the essence of the creative Mother, balancing loving softness and playfulness with a graceful strength and reverence for life. Her joy is to empower others to step into their potential, through authenticity and awakening to the expansive joy of the heart through music, dance, yoga, earth wisdom and ceremony.


What our previous students have said

"...a journey of learning, activation and healing"

by Jez Tozer

Thank you for a truly magical experience, a journey of learning, activation and healing. I learnt an incredible amount about using the Traktor software system and Z1 hardware and other essential learnings through your wonderful videos. The tone of which was both gentle, soothing, encouraging whilst at the same time perfectly accurate, informative and inspiring. I learnt through witnessing your true magic as space holders, as teachers as leaders and also as students. Infinitely patient, knowledgeable and at the same time humble and connected you were the perfect stewards to guide us through the extraordinary journey in such a short amount of time.

Your Ecstatic Dance DJ Curriculum

    1. How to Rock the Training

    2. Traktor Orientation

    3. Wakamaia Treasures

    4. Audio System Setup For Training

    5. This Is How We Zoom

    6. Using Quicktime for our Daily Mix Projects

    7. Let Me Have a Go! Traktor Pro 3 Basics

    8. Headphone Cueing

    1. Introduce Yourself in Private Facebook Group

    1. Group Call 1 Recording

    1. Music is Medicine

    2. Counting Beats, Bars, & Phrases

    3. How Songs Are Structured

    4. How to use Cue Points

    5. Mixing by Phrase 1: Getting Set Up

    6. Mixing by Phrase 2: Outro Game and 5&3 Game

    7. Mixing by Phrase 3: Deck A Don't Stop! Game and Empowerment Project

    1. Group Call 2 Sept 26th: Ecstatic Dance Love Stream

    2. Beatgridding

    3. Harmonic Mixing Pt 1: Overview

    4. Harmonic Mixing Pt 2: Matching Keys

    5. Harmonic Mixing Pt 3: Adjacent Keys

    6. Group Call 2: Time Zone 1 Recording

    7. Group Call 2: Time Zone 2 Recording

    1. Awakening the Empathic DJ

    2. Looping Pt 1: Overview and How-to

    3. Looping Pt 2: Using Loops to Get In and Out

    4. Looping Pt 3: Live Remixes via Looping!

    5. Sacred Fun Workbook: Welcome Speech

    6. Group Call 3: Time Zone 1 Recording

    7. Group Call 3: Time Zone 2 Recording

About this course

  • $888.00
  • 65 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content


  • I've never been to an Ecstatic Dance. Is this course right for me?

    While this course is designed for beginner to intermediate and you don't need any technical DJ background to succeed, we do suggest having some experience of Ecstatic Dance. Our online Zoom dances are a good intro and you've still got time to jump in before the course begins.

  • What time will our group calls be?

    As we are gathering from several different continents ~ Raio & Sophie will be guiding 2 x Group Calls with the topic of the day.

    Check out which time zone works best for you:

    Time Zone 1

    9 - 11am Singapore / Bali time
    6 - 8pm PST
    9 - 11pm EST
    11am - 1pm AEST

    Time Zone 2

    4 - 6pm Singapore / Bali time
    9 - 11am BST
    6pm - 8pm AEST
    8 - 10pm NZST
  • How can I prepare for the training?

    We've got you covered. In preparation for our online course, we will release introductory videos a week prior to the start of the course on "How to Rock The Training,” "Setting Up Traktor,” and even “Let me Have a Go! Traktor Basics” which gets you up and spinning.

  • What are the tech requirements?

    MAC: macOS 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.15 (latest update), Intel Core i5, 4 GB RAM Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 version 1803 or later (64 Bit), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 4 GB RAM

  • What DJ software will we be using and is it included?

    Traktor Pro 3 is the DJ software we will be using for the training. It is not included in the course, but you can get the demo version for free or purchase Traktor Pro 3 here for US$90**.

    We recommend purchasing it for your onward journey as a DJ! 

    ** Often times the Traktor Z1 DJ console comes with a voucher for the Traktor Pro 3 software, so be sure to check the console product description.

  • Do I need a DJ Console?

    While it is possible to DJ with just the Traktor Pro 3 software, it is recommended to have a Traktor Z1 DJ console (US$219)** on Native Instruments website:

  • What happens if I miss a group call?

    We'll miss you, but we know 'life happens', so we'll record them all for you! We will be uploading all Group Calls for you to catch up with later.

  • How long will I have access after the course?

    To help you really integrate all the learnings that we'll be going through, we will make sure you have full access to all 7 modules and all recorded group calls for a full 90 days after the course finishes!

I'm Ready To Join!

What are my options for exchange?

What our graduates say...

"It was so much more than I could have hoped for"

by Shian

"I am so happy I listened to the calling and booked this course. It was so much more than I could have hoped for. I loved connecting with people from all over the world and looked forward to our daily sessions. Sophie and Rob's leadership was amazing and I felt very supported technically and energetically. Even though I have never met them in person, I feel like I have new teachers and friends for life. Their tutorial videos were extremely thorough and clear and I am enjoying reviewing the content to deepen in my learning."

"I have all the tools to facilitate"

Dejana Koprivc

This Ecstatic Dance DJ Training has blown me away! I signed up with the desire to polish up my rusty mixing skills and invite more music and movement into my life. I completed the course feeling confident and equipped with all the technological tools and knowledge to step into the DJ booth…and SO much more. This course is packed with hidden gems & bonuses: I learned SO much about what it takes to create and facilitate safe, beautiful, sacred spaces with intention, authenticity and fun. Sophie & Rob are amazing, their positive, generous energy is infectious, and I could not wait for the daily sessions spent together.  They lead this course from their hearts, in deep reverence for the force of creativity that guides them, sharing with generosity and love.  They are masters of their craft, - with years of experience as DJs, musicians, ceremonialists, students of Yoga, artists, -this was a truly powerful initiation into becoming as Ecstatic Dance guide. I LOVED every minute of this course and would recommend it to anyone interested in diving deeper into music, conscious movement, hosting transformative events or creating a dancing community.